Cycle – Marla Singer & Witch – 18/3/17

Explicitly minimal/cyclic visual stimulus for Cycle

In order to convey a cyclic sense of movement, I attached various forms of layered feedback onto a rotating sphere inside another rotating sphere, each spinning at exactly 33.1/3 RPM


Ideasthesia – Art Installation – May 2015

What do we hear when we listen to sound? What could we see? What would it mean to us? How do we construct this meaning? Through experience? What could we experience? Do we experience the event itself? Or the experience alone?

The installation sought to create a synaesthetic environment through the juxtaposition of colour & sound. Through assigning groups of colour with specific sonic events, a combined aural/visual experience occurs within the audience.

Here’s an interview where I explain it a bit better.

Here’s the tester video I made prior to the installation in order to convey the idea of what it might be like. I was pretty close.


Drone mixtape 1 & 2 – Generative Sound

Drone Mixtape 1 & 2, was a compiled piece of music designed for a seamless listening experience.

Comprising of mostly generative pieces of sound, it draws elements from established genres of ambient music & adds chance procedures in it’s structure & overlying message; which is constructed entirely within the audiences mind, a subjective experience within another.

It will be released & available to purchase in the coming months on tape & digital as part of Interworld Media.

The cover image is a still taken from my visual work.